What is included in AC servicing?

AC servicing is important to have done in order to maintain the quality of your AC unit. Some AC units may need to be replaced after a certain number of years, but with proper servicing, most AC units can last much longer. AC servicing includes things like regularly changing the AC filter, checking the AC coils, and making sure the AC unit is properly charged with coolant. AC servicing also includes things like checking for leaks and making sure the AC unit is properly ventilated. AC units that are not properly serviced can develop a number of problems that can lead to expensive repairs or even replacement. By having AC servicing done on a regular basis, you can avoid these costly problems and keep your AC unit running smoothly for many years to come. AC repair in Alpharetta should not be confused with AC replacement, which is a much more extensive and expensive process. When an AC unit needs to be replaced, it is generally because the AC unit has reached the end of its beneficial life and can no longer be repaired. As a result, AC replacement is typically only necessary every ten to fifteen years, whereas AC servicing is typically required on an annual basis.

AC repair

Why is your AC not shutting off?

If your AC isn't shutting off, there are a few possible explanations. First, check to see if the AC is properly sized for your home. If it's too small, it will constantly run in an attempt to cool your home, leading to high energy bills and decreased efficiency. Alternatively, if your AC is too large, it will cycle on and off frequently, also leading to inefficiency and higher energy bills. If you're unsure about the size of your AC unit, contact a professional AC installation in Alpharetta for help. Another potential reason why your AC isn't shutting off is that the thermostat could be malfunctioning. If the thermostat is set too low, the AC will run continuously in an attempt to reach the desired temperature. Conversely, if the thermostat is set too high, the AC will turn off before your home is cool enough. Finally, dirt and debris can build up on the AC coils, preventing them from dissipating heat effectively. This can cause the AC to run for longer periods of time in an attempt to cool your home. If you're experiencing any of these issues, contact a professional AC repair company for help.


